Pavones Costa Rica

Weather in Pavones

What will the weather be like during my vacataion? While the weather man may not always be right, there are some things that you can count on as far as the weather goes in southern Costa Rica. Costa Rica has two weather seasons: the warmer, dry, sunnier season from December to April, and the cooler "green" season, May through November.

Most years, November and December are transition months when the rains become less frequent and the sun shines every day. In the dry season we may not see a drop of rain for the four months of January through April. The skies are blue, the water is crystal clear, and the stars and milky way put on a show at night.

Likewise, April and May are the transition months in which we begin to see evening, then late afternoon showers. These showers start earlier in the day until September and October when it can rain all day every day for weeks--which is why we are closed during that time. The restaurants close, hiking trails become unsafe due to falling limbs and giant seed pods, and vacations just are not as fun when it's raining all day every day.

Compared to the northern part of Costa Rica, which is dry and almost desert like, the landscape in the southern zone of Costa Rica is very green and lush, and although it does rain here more than in the north, it usually comes as a welcome respite from the heat. Pavones has it's own microclimate. The closest weather station that reports is in Golfito, where it can rain or thunderstorm daily. However, with the benefit of the Conte-Burica range at our back and its position at the mouth of the Golfo Dulce, Pavones has its own unique weather patterns and is generally much sunnier than Golfito.

Surf in Pavones

The surf season in Pavones runs from March through August. During this time, there can be swells of up to 12 feet hitting the top of the point, at the more advanced section of the wave. This is no spot for beginners, as the wave is fast and crowded with experienced surfers. We teach lessons in the bay next to the cantina where the wave height can be 1/2 the size of the waves on the outside point.

Our surf camp season starts in December when the waves are more gentle, forgiving, and perfect for learning. If you've never surfing before, the months of December through February are for you. Not only will you experience the sunniest skies of the year, but you'll also be surfing in conditions better suited for beginner surfers.

The wave here is special because the portion of the wave that we use for teaching is a gentle rolling Waikiki style wave that peels slowly around the point. Beachbreaks tend to be much stronger and faster and very difficult for beginners to judge whether to go right or left and to get up fast enough to ride the face of the wave instead of the whitewater. A point break like Pavones rolls along slowly, making it easier for you to paddle out, catch and ride waves.

Nice weather in Pavones Costa Rica March paddle out in Pavones, Costa Rica